Robert World – When he became a man

CHF 9,90

Artysta, reżyser filmowy, aktor.
Ukończył Szkołę Filmową oraz studiował malarstwo
na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych.
Autor książki „Serce”



About author
 Robert World actor, film director, actor.
He graduated from the Film School and studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Author of the book “Heart” 2012 “When he become a man 2024” by Robert World
Main films “One in a million chance” 2024, “Flying Norway” 2023
A young actor goes to the mountains to close a certain chapter in his life. He broke up with his girlfriend, played in a major movie alongside big stars, earned money and experienced disappointments. He hears an inner voice while traveling, which orders him to stop. Te actor stays overnight in a hotel in the mountains and his story starts to write itself all over again. During his magnificent stay in the mountains, he meets a beautiful business woman which creates an opportunity for a hot romance, and maybe even true love. Will new experiences allow Robert to grow up, take control of his own life and become a real man? Will he fight for his dreams? Will he go to Hollywood?
Publisher: Filmrworld Ltd.
Published: 2022
 Copyright: 2024
ISBN: 978-83-900210-1-0
Title: When he become a man
Author: Robert World
Language: English
Pages: 161
Printed version: edition 200. Not available.
When he became a man 2022
First Edition
Robert World
When he became a man
Switzerland 2022
Copyright ©️ for the text by Robert World
Robert World
This material may be protected by copyright.When He became a man
Robert World
Switzerland 2022
„When he become a man”
About the book